Florence Melly Community Primary School
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Key Stage 2 (end of primary school) results 2017/18

Key Stage 2 (end of primary school) results 2017/18:

Average Progress Scores:

Reading progress score (confidence interval in brackets): 0.53 (-1.1 to 2.1)

Writing progress score (confidence interval in brackets): 0.56 (-0.9 to 2.1)

Mathematics progress score (confidence interval in brackets): 2.63 (1.2 to 4.0)

Average scaled score per pupil

Average scaled score in reading – 103.7

Average scaled score in maths – 105.3

Individual subjects – Attainment at KS2

Reading: % of ALL PUPILS achieving expected standard – 76%

Reading: % of ALL PUPILS achieving a high standard – 31%

Reading: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving expected standard – 72%

Reading: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving a high standard – 24%

Writing: % of ALL PUPILS achieving expected standard – 78% 

Writing: % of ALL PUPILS working at greater depth within expected standard – 19%

Writing: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving expected standard – 72%

Writing: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving a high standard – 16%

Maths % of ALL PUPILS achieving expected standard – 78%

Maths: % of ALL PUPILS achieving a high standard – 33%

Maths: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving expected standard – 72%

Maths: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving a high standard – 28%

EGPS: % of pupils achieving expected standard – 78% 

EGPS: % of pupils achieving a high standard – 39%

EGPS: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving expected standard – 72%

EGPS: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving a high standard – 28%

Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined – Attainment

RWM: % of ALL PUPILS achieving the expected standard – 72% 

RWM: % of ALL PUPILS achieving a high score – 13%

RWM: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving the expected standard – 68%

RWM: % of DISADVANTAGED PUPILS achieving a high score – 16%

KS2 Data Trend – Reading 
KS2 Data Trend – Writing
KS2 Data Trend – Maths
KS2 Data Trend – RWM Combined