Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

On this page you will find a whole-host of information about our Reception classes. This year, our classes across the school have been named after famous Olympians in light of the Paris Olympics 2024. Reception have adopted: Elisabeta Lipa (RD) and Laura Kenny (RB) as their famous Olympians.  

This page is designed to be as informative as possible and suitable for a range of audiences. It is a place to celebrate the wonderful work that takes place in Team Reception! 

Meet Mrs Davies’ Class – Elisabeta Lipa (RD)

Meet Miss Batt’s Class – Laura Kenny (RB)

Contacting the Reception team

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Reception team, who are always available to help:

Mrs C McDermott – EYFS Phase Lead


Miss S Batt – Teacher/RE Lead


Mrs E Davies – Teacher (ECT) 


Mrs L Ward – Teaching Assistant 


Mrs J Antrobus – Teaching Assistant


Miss N Taylor – Teaching Assistant (maternity leave)


What makes our Reception special? 

We provide a stimulating and engaging environment, which is both protective yet supportive of the children’s well-being. We believe that a classroom where children feel valued and can grow in confidence, helps them to feel happy, settled and secure. Our child-centred approach aims to support each child to develop holistically and at their own pace. We provide an enabling environment, promoting communication and language skills, whilst ensuring that learning is engaging and enjoyable. 

Learning happens through investigation, exploring and immersive, hands-on experiences within a play based curriculum. Our team is dedicated to bringing out the best in the children and our plan for learning is based on the children’s own interests and needs. We set achievable challenges and always encourage them to try their best. They are provided with many, varied opportunities to develop and we nurture their confidence so that they can all make positive steps towards achieving their potential. 

We value the importance of the outdoor environment, ensuring that children have the opportunity to learn about the world around them, in a natural and safe space. Children are allowed to take managed risks, which both supports their growth and allows them to become critical thinkers, and confident, independent learners. 

Happiness and wellbeing is at the core of our values and a love of learning creates memorable experiences our children will cherish. 

EYFS Policy

Please take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with our EYFS policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Miss Latta, our EYFS Lead: EYFS Policy – October 2023.

Reception long-term curriculum map

Please click on the image below to access our Reception long-term curriculum map. This outlines the content of our school curriculum for our Reception children for the 2023/24 academic year.

Reception timetable

Please click on the images below to access the Reception timetable for this term. This is printable and would look perfect on your fridge! 

EYFS Twitter (X) feed

Reception alumni

Class of 2022/23

Miss Latta’s class (RL) 2022/23

Miss Batt’s class (RB) 2022/23

Connecting and keeping up to date!

We use multiple platforms to communicate to parents/carers and we are proud of our vibrant Class Dojo, Twitter (X) and Flickr feeds. If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to sign yourselves up so that you can enjoy the wonderful, memorable learning experiences we provide for the children each and every day:

Follow us on Twitter (X): @flomellynews

Follow us on Flickr: florencemelly

Follow us on Class Dojo: Sign up here!