Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

PATCH (Parents And Teachers, Children)

We are a group of people consisting of parents, carers, and school staff. Our aims are:

  • To provide positive events for children, parents, carers and the local community
  • To raise money for the school
  • To encourage links with the local community

During the past year we have organised a variety of events including: Christmas Bingo, School Discos, Murder Mystery Events, Charity Coffee Mornings, Charity Events, Professional Pantomimes and ‘A day at the seaside’ at home.

If you are enthusiastic, have lots of ideas or would just like to come along to help please see a member of PATCH or call in at the school office.