Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

On this page you will find a whole-host of information about our Year 5 classes. This page is designed to be as informative as possible and suitable for a range of audiences. It is a place to celebrate the wonderful work that takes place in Team Year 5! 

Putting a face to a name – contacting the Year 5 team

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 5 team, who are always available to help:

Mrs T. Dentith – Teacher/PE Lead


Miss E. McWilliams – Teacher (ECT)/MFL Lead


Miss A. McDonnell – Teaching Assistant

Ms D. Swift – 1:1 Teaching Assistant


What makes our Year 5 special? 

Year 5 is a vibrant and engaging place to be as each day presents a fresh and exciting adventure! We are devoted to fostering a safe and supportive environment where students can learn and grow to their fullest potential. We offer inclusive and hands-on lessons that stimulate their creativity and curiosity. We strive to instil in them a deep and abiding love for learning with the essential life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Our core values are an essential part of our curriculum, and we work hard to help our students become determined, respectful, empowered, appreciative, and motivated learners. By teaching these skills, we believe we are preparing our students to become confident, lifelong learners who are successful in all their future endeavours.

Throughout the year, we explore captivating topics ranging from Ancient Greeks in History to the mysteries of the universe in Science. Our primary objective is to inspire our students to become passionate about learning that will stay with them for years to come.

We are committed to supporting our pupils and their families in every way possible. We would like to thank our parents/carers for their valued support.

Year 5 curriculum maps

Please click on the images below to access our Year 5 specific curriculum maps. These show the content of our school curriculum for Year 5 for the 2024/25 academic year.

Year 5 timetables

Please click on the images below to access the Year 5 timetables for this year. These are printable and would look perfect on your fridge! Our timetables work on a two-week cycle. 

 Year 5 PE

This year, Year 5 have PE on a Wednesday. We encourage the children to come to school wearing their PE kits on their designated PE day. They should wear a blue jogging suit over their PE kit. Our PE kit consists of:

  • A blue hoody or zip up top.
  • Blue tracksuit bottoms.
  • A white polo shirt or white round neck t-shirt.
  • Blue shorts
  • Black plimsoles or black trainers (new for this year).
  • Football kits or brightly coloured trainers are not allowed.

Year 5 Twitter (X) feed

Year 5 alumni

Class of 2023/24

Miss McWilliams’ class (5M) 2023/24

Mrs Dentith’s class (5D) 2023/24

Mr Walsh’s class (5W) 2023/24

Class of 2022/23

Mrs Dentith’s class (5T) 2022/23

Mr Derbyshire’s class (5D) 2022/23

Year 5 remote learning activities 

The DfE suggest that we should publish information about our school’s remote learning offer. To access our daily remote learning templates (created during the Covid-19 lockdown periods), please click the following link: Our Year 5 Remote Learning Activities.

Connecting and keeping up to date!

We use multiple platforms to communicate to parents/carers and we are proud of our vibrant Class Dojo, Twitter (X) and Flickr feeds. If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to sign yourselves up so that you can enjoy the wonderful, memorable learning experiences we provide for the children each and every day:

Follow us on Twitter (X): @flomellynews

Follow us on Flickr: florencemelly

Follow us on Class Dojo: Sign up here!