Please scroll to the bottom of this page to access the Remote Learning Templates for every year group!
We appreciate that the world has changed and continues to be an ever-changing landscape. The way we educate our children has to reflect this and we must adapt if we are going to cater for the needs of our school community. The systems and procedures we have all become so accustomed to (in school) have changed. ‘Bubbles’ and ‘self-isolation’ have become the new norm. What we must do though, is provide continuity and consistency for our children. So many of them have already missed so much teaching and learning time and what this new ‘Remote Education and Contingency Plans for Outbreaks during the COVID-19 Pandemic’ approach will do, is set out how we plan to ensure that our children do not miss out on anymore!
We understand that there will be implications on parents/carers and children alike – if the school were to close, if a bubble were to be sent home or if your child has to self-isolate. We understand that children may need to share access to technology, parents may be juggling supporting remote learning and working remotely themselves and that many parents may be trying to support children of different ages, from different classes and indeed, different schools. Therefore, we want to be as supportive as possible in this difficult time and provide a clear, effective platform and structure for our whole-school community.
We have identified Miss Bear, our Assistant Headteacher for the Quality of Education, as our new Remote Education Lead. She will be responsible for supporting our staff to provide the highest quality remote learning experiences for our children. Should you have any questions or concerns about our remote learning approach, please do contact her: or message your child’s class teacher on Class Dojo. We do appreciate that remote learning can be a daunting proposition but we are always here to help. Similarly, our Headteacher, Mr Leach is always on hand to help and you can escalate any concerns you have to him directly:
Remote Learning Information for Parents/Carers
So that pupils and their parents know what to expect from their school if they need to self-isolate, or where national or local restrictions require them to remain at home, the government have asked us to publish information about our remote education provision on our website. You can access this by clicking the following link: ‘Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents/Carers‘ guide.
For further information, please use this link to access our ‘Remote Education and Contingency Plans for Outbreaks during the COVID-19 Pandemic‘ policy.
If you haven’t already, please download the ‘Class Dojo’ app. This is the platform we are using to deliver our remote education to those children at home. It is completely free and a super resource for communicating with us at school.