Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

At Florence Melly Community Primary School, we believe that positive behaviour is an essential condition for effective learning and teaching. We also believe that pupils and staff have the right to learn and teach in an environment which is safe, friendly and fair. Our school has defined a very clear set of non-negotiable standards of personal behaviour, which are based on respect for each individual in our community and their individual needs. Positive behaviour must be carefully developed and supported. Appropriate high self-esteem promotes good behaviour, effective learning and positive relationships. Put simply, we believe pupils learn best when they feel safe and happy in school.

The best results in terms of promoting positive behaviour arise from emphasising potential, rewarding success and giving praise for effort and achievement. We also know it is important to strike a balance between recognising positive behaviour and having appropriate consequences which are seen by all to be fair and just and applied consistently when standards are not maintained. Through positive role-modelling, by adults who care for them in school, and through well developed planned and stimulating learning opportunities, we believe that children can accept learning challenges and develop self-discipline. It is the responsibility of parents and carers to work with the school in helping to foster positive attitudes and behaviour.

Equal opportunities are central to all aspects of life at our school. At our school we aim to provide equality regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race (this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality), religion or belief (this includes lack of belief), sex and/or sexual orientation. We recognise all of the above as protective characteristics. We acknowledge our legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 and consider this when managing behaviour, recognising our duty to make reasonable adjustments for all stakeholders. Our school will always take such steps as it is reasonable to avoid disadvantage. 

For our children, we seek to provide the same quality and breadth of opportunity for all, regardless of age, race, religion or belief, colour, gender, sexual orientation, social background, special physical or educational needs. We recognise that many pupils, at some time during their time at school, will require extra support in managing their behaviour and emotions. At these times, the behaviour strategy may need to be adapted to support vulnerable pupils.

Please click the link below to access our comprehensive behaviour policy. This policy is scheduled to be updated in the Autumn term 2023. 

Behaviour Policy – September 2022 

Class Dojo Reward System

We currently use the Class Dojo platform to encourage and reward positive behaviour in school. Children can earn Dojo points by demonstrating positive behaviour such as helping others, working hard, being kind to others and making good progress during lessons. Details of how Dojo points can be earned can be found below.

Managing Behaviour – Actions and Consequences

At Florence Melly we believe that children have a right to learn, free from disruption and interruption from others. Our children have a responsibility to behave well in class and be good citizens. For behaviour to be managed effectively it is really important for teachers and parents to work together. Please find below guidance and the procedures we use to manage incidents of poor behaviour.

Expectations for Behaviour

Working alongside all of our stakeholders, we have developed a new infographic to outline our expectations for behaviour. The intention of this document is to create a framework so that we have a consistent approach for behaviour expectations across the school. It cover a range of different situations and scenarios. These expectations have been shared with the whole-school community. 

If you would like further advice or guidance, please contact Mr Baillie, our Designated Safeguarding Lead and Assistant Headteacher responsible for Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development: k.baillie@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk.