At Florence Melly we welcome comments or concerns and are happy to discuss any issues on an informal basis. Usually most difficulties can be resolved quickly and easily with shared information and strong communication.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your child’s education or our school, in the first instance, please make an appointment to see your child’s class teacher. We would hope that discussing the matter with the teacher should be enough to resolve the issue. However, if you are still unhappy please do contact Mr Leach (our Headteacher) or a member of our Senior Leadership Team – they are always available to help.
If you feel that you or your child need support around an emotional/social issue please feel free to make an appointment with either our SENCO (Mrs O’Keefe), Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Sainsbury or our Pastoral Support Officer, Mr Doyle. They are happy to work with parents/carers, children or signpost to outside agencies when necessary.
Parent Questionnaires and Feedback
We often send home online questionnaires to parents/carers to give them the chance to tell us what they think of our school. These views are very important to us. We appreciate and value all feedback as this informs what we need to do to improve the educational experience that we provide for our children. Please find below a link to the results of the questionnaires. Whilst many of these are overwhelmingly positive and we thank you for that, rest assured we will be working tirelessly to ensure that any concerns raised are addressed and addressed quickly. Please come into school to discuss any concerns that you may have. We are here to help and are always available.
Please see our latest parent/carer questionnaire by clicking on this link/infographic: Parent/Carer Questionnaire – March 2024
Parent/Carer Questionnaire – October 2022
Parent/Carer Questionnaire – March 2023
Ofsted Parent View Website
We would like to take this opportunity to signpost you to Ofsted’s Parent View website. Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of our school. The questionnaire can be completed at any time – you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.
Ofsted will use your responses to help them plan inspections. In addition to this, they also publish the overall summary of the responses to Ofsted Parent View. This information is anonymised.
Click ‘Give your views now’ to register and complete a survey to help your child’s school improve.