Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead
We have identified Mr Doyle as the Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead at Florence Melly Community Primary School. Should you require any further information or support, please do not hesitate to contact him: joseph.doyle@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk .
Our Vibrant Mental Health Offer On Social Media
Our Mental Heath and Wellbeing Approach
Our mental health and wellbeing strategy is underpinned by lots of approaches and initiatives and we take the best parts of these to create an approach suitable and catered for our school community. One of the primary approaches we use is the NHS five steps to mental wellbeing. Mr Doyle, our Mental Health and Well-Being Lead, believes deeply in these steps. Lots of evidence indicates these 5 steps can lead you to improved mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.
Mr Doyle’s Marvellous Mental Health and Well-Being Resource
Please take the time to look through these brilliant mental health and well-being resources from Mr Doyle. It is our intention to provide new guides, as frequent as possible, for our school community to enjoy. These are packed full of brilliant, practical strategies to help support your and your child’s mental health and well being! Even our staff team access these resources and comment on how beneficial they are.
Here our latest resource resource. Our current focus is: creating good habits!
Please find below, links to previous issues of this resource…
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 1
This issue focuses on anxiety and provides strategies and links to resources which aim to help reduce worry during uncertain times.
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 2
Sleep and how vital it is to get a good night’s sleep is the focus of this issue.
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 3
Get outside and get moving as this issue focuses on exercise and the benefits of physical activity. Moving your muscles builds and conditions your grey matter, making you smarter, happier and more resilient!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 4
Refocusing your mind and learning something new, that is the order of the day in this issue. This is a key part of the NHS Five Steps to Well-Being.
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 5
This issue focuses on the importance of healthy relationships. Connecting with others is an important strategy for improving mental health and well-being.
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 6
How to manage anxiety is the focus of this issue. If you are struggling, please reach out to us and get in touch!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 7
Mindfulness is the focus of this issue and Mr Doyle has included links to some brilliant resources such as Headspace.
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 8
Bouncing back when you’ve taken a knock! In this issue, Mr Doyle highlights the importance of emotional resilience. Don’t forget to empty your stress bucket!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 9
Getting those all imports zzz’s is the focus of this issue. Mr Doyle explores the importance of sleep – go on, check it out!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 10
It’s that time of the year again – it’s Children’s Mental Health Week. Check out this special edition which also looks into the importance of exercise!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 11
This week we welcomed back the whole school after another national lockdown. In response, Mr Doyle is suggesting we take the time to reconnect and build relationships in this week’s edition.
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 12
In line with the theme being promoted by the Mental Health Foundation as part of their Mental Health Awareness Week, this week we look at the power of nature as a means of promoting positive mental health. So get outside and enjoy the wonderful world around you!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 13
Mr Doyle says…”did you know what you eat has an effect on how you feel?” Eat your way to positive mental health with this week’s amazing mental health and well-being resource!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 14
The half-term provides a great opportunity to practice some of the mindful activities we’ve been looking at over the last couple of months. Whether it is exercise, giving, learning something new, connecting or taking notice – just put yourself out there!
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 15
This new and updated mental health resource is a great example of how we are working on one of our whole-school development priorities… ‘Developing a Mentally Healthy School’! From now on, we will be producing a new resource every half-term and each version will focus on a different strand of the NHS five steps to well- being. This half-term, we will concentrate on CONNECTING! Enjoy…
Mental Health Support Resource – Issue 16 – 04/07/24
It’s back! Our mental Heath and wellbeing resource. In this edition, Mr Doyle (our Mental Health dn Wellbeing Lead) discusses sleep and the five steps to wellbeing! It’s packed full of tips, hints and hyperlinks – check it out!