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Dress to Impress!
Please find attached a copy of a letter recently home about buying school uniform for next year and our expectations moving forward: Letter to Parents:Carers – School Uniform Order Letter.
You can order your uniform now! We are taking orders ready forSeptember. Orders placed before Friday 1stJuly will be ready tocollect on Tuesday 19th July 2022. School will be open from10:00am until 3:00pm, readyfor you to collect your order on thatday (it is an INSET day for our staff). Orders placed online during the Summer holidays are likely to be delayed until mid to lateSeptember. We strongly advise placing your orders as soon as possible and definitely before Friday 1st July, to avoid any disappointment.
Please use either the QR code or this link: to order your uniform digitally. Alternatively, please see the office staff who will be morethan willing to help.
This link also contains the price list and an infographic showing our expectations.