Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

EYFS Curriculum Rationale

Please take a few minutes to read through our EYFS Curriculum Rationale. Our curriculum is our DNA – it is who we are, it is what makes our school special and it is our vehicle for maximising the potential of every single child that steps foot through our doors. This document sets out our intentions for our curriculum, how we implement what we set out and the impact it has. You can access this document here: Our EYFS Curriculum Rationale.

Nursery long-term curriculum map

Please click on the image below to access our Nursery long-term curriculum map. This outlines the content of our school curriculum for our Nursery children for the 2023/24 academic year.

Reception long-term curriculum map

Please click on the image below to access our Reception long-term curriculum map. This outlines the content of our school curriculum for our Reception children for the 2023/24 academic year.

EYFS progression and skills documents

Progression of Skills – Physical Development

Progression of Skills – Writing

Progression of Skills – Understanding of the World

Progression of Skills – PSED

Progression of Skills – Communication and Language

Progression of Skills – Expressive Arts and Design

EYFS Twitter (X) feed