Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

Areas for Whole-School Development for 2023/24 (and beyond)

At Florence Melly Community Primary School, in collaboration with staff and Governors, we have identified the following five priorities as key areas for development as part of our whole-school development plan 2023/24. These priorities are by no means an exhaustive list of action areas but they are the five main areas of investment for this year. Underpinning these priorities are individual comprehensive action plans, collated and adopted by those leaders responsible for these areas of school life.

Whole-School Development Plan Overview – 2023/24 (and beyond) 

Our Self-Evaluation Form (SEF)

At Florence Melly Community Primary School, we are open and transparent about the effectiveness of provision we provide for our children and families. The Self-Evaluation Form (SEF) is completed by school leaders and is a reflection on the school’s impact in a number of areas. It also takes into consideration views from other staff, parents/carers and pupils. All stakeholders contribute to the evaluation. Governors have an important role in the writing of the SEF school evaluation too; as does our School Improvement Partner. They are the ‘outside eyes’, helping us to write the SEF objectively. 

The school Self-Evaluation is a chance for us to reflect on the provision and impact. It helps influence future targets and plans. This SEF takes into account any strengths and successes, as well as identifying areas for improvement. It is an honest account of what we have done, what impact this has had, and what we will be doing next. Our school leaders choose which areas for improvement are the most important, both for the long term and the short term. Then create a priority list which is then revisited regularly.

Reflections from the SEF  are very important in helping us to plan for changes, including budgeting implications of these changes or the impact on staffing. It is also a look back on what has changed under the current school leadership. 

If you have any questions regarding our current SEF, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Leach, our Headteacher, who will be more than happy to answer these questions: a.leach@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk.