Florence Melly Community Primary School

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We have a highly-skilled, dedicated team of staff who make Florence Melly Community Primary School a very special place…”

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School leaders are committed to making Florence Melly the best school it can possibly be.

Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

Landing Page

We appreciate that the world has changed and continues to be an ever-changing landscape. The way we educate our children has to reflect this and we must adapt if we are going to cater for the needs of our school community. The systems and procedures we have all become so accustomed to (in school) have changed. ‘Bubbles’ and ‘self-isolation’ have become the new norm. What we must do though, is provide continuity and consistency for our children. So many of them have already missed so much teaching and learning time and what this new ‘Remote Education and Contingency Plans for Outbreaks during the COVID-19 Pandemic’ approach will do, is set out how we plan to ensure that our children do not miss out on anymore!