Florence Melly Community Primary School
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Meet our New Safeguarding Team

Our ‘New’ Safeguarding Team

Please find below, details of our ‘new’ safeguarding team following Mr Baillie leaving our school in January 2024. 

Our new Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Mr Leach. He replaces Mr Baillie, who left our school in January 2023.

Mr Leach can be contacted via the school office or email at: a.leach@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk. He is supported by a dedicated team of staff, who will be more than happy to help with any concerns you may have. If you need any safeguarding help or advice, please feel free to contact them. 

Mr J Doyle is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and is suitably trained to deputise in Mr Baillie’s absence. He can be contacted via email at: joseph.doyle@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk

Miss M Campbell is the school’s EHAT Lead. She is also trained to deputise for Mr Baillie as Designated Safeguarding Lead. Miss Campbell can be contacted via: m.campbell@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk.

Mrs O’Keefe is our SENCO and part of the Safeguarding Team at Florence Melly. Mrs O’Keefe can be contacted via email at: c.okeefe@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk.

Our Link Safeguarding and Prevent governor is: James Kilburn. He can be contacted via: j.kilburn@fazakerleyprimary.co.uk.

Our school has also trained all members of the Senior Leadership Team to deputise for Mr Leach in his absence, such is our commitment to safeguarding our pupils.