Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

Latest News

Our extra-curricular clubs this half-term!

At Florence Melly Community Primary School we are always eager to improve what we provide for our children and families. Your views and opinions matter to us! In a recent parent/carer questionnaire, you raised some concerns that our provision for extra-curricular clubs and activities has not been strong enough post pandemic. This is an area of school life that we said that we would look into improving quickly to ensure that our pupils’ wider personal development is supported and enhanced. We are delighted to say that we have, as a team, created a new look after-school club schedule for pupils to get involved in. This has been emailed out to all parents/carers and posted on Class Dojo. You can also access this document by clicking the following link or the image below: Extra-Curricular Clubs – Spring Term 2023.

This document outlines all of the extra-curricular activities on offer this half-term. Some of these clubs have already been filled. It is our intention that this offer changes every half-term so that all children have the opportunity to participate and get involved.

All of our clubs this half-term are free of charge. It is essential that your child is committed to attending the club. Persistent failure to attend may result in them losing their place and it being offered to another child. To secure a child’s place at one of these clubs, please use the online booking form which can be accessed by clicking this link: Online Extra-Curricular Club Booking Form – Spring Term (1) 2023.

We will always allocate places fairly. We are limited to the number of places we can allocate for each club and these differ depending on the type of club (for example, we can take far more children for our Choir Club than we can for a Book Club). We will have a deadline for requests for clubs and then inform parents/carers of which clubs they have successfully been allocated places for. Once all places have been allocated we will hold a small waiting list in case new places become available. We hope to start these clubs next week. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr Leach directly, via email, a.leach@fmp.liverpool.sch.uk

Thank you for your continued support.