Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

Latest News

Our New ‘DRAFT’ Child Protection Policy 2019/20

Please find attached a draft copy of our New Child Protection Policy 2019/20 – which reflects the new legislation set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2019 (which came into effect on 02/09/19). The changes from the last version have been clearly highlighted  in yellow. This document is due to be ratified at the next Full Governing Body Meeting later this half-term.
Please note, this is a draft version! Should any parents/carers wish to discuss this document, please contact Mr Leach – our Designated Safeguarding Lead – who will be more than willing to help!