Florence Melly Community Primary School
Welcome to our new look website! We have spent considerable time upgrading the site’s usability and updating the content. We hope you like it! If you can DREAM it, you can do it!

“Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different roads as long as we reach the same goal? Gandhi 

At Florence Melly we are theologists! We want our children to love religious education and we want them to remember their RE lessons in our school, to cherish these memories and embrace the opportunities they are presented with! We encourage them to grow up wanting to be priests, anthropologists, lecturers and/or social workers! Our RE curriculum has been carefully crafted so that the learning opportunities, critical content, DREAM themes and key assessment milestones for each year group are known, understood and owned by our dedicated team. It is suitably progressive and repetitive so that our pupils are taught the right critical content, at the right time, building upon what they already know and want to find out so that knowledge and skills are retained, embedded and transferred to long-term memory. Our RE curriculum has been influenced by SACRE, the agreed syllabus for Liverpool. You can access the Liverpool Revised Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education by clicking this link: Liverpool’s S.A.C.R.E. – Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education.

Bringing RE Alive at Florence Melly!

We often use the vibrancy of Liverpool as a vehicle  to enrich pupils’ time in our school with memorable and unforgettable experiences, trips, lessons and clubs. Here are just a few examples of how we have brought our RE curriculum alive this year:

  • Our pupils were treated to an expert workshop with Eric Cohen, as they explored Holocaust Memorial Day. Eric, from the Princess Road Synagogue, told the children of his (and his family’s) experience of the Holocaust. Despite the tragic context, Eric enthused the children and talked openly and passionately. The children and staff were gripped! What a great way to explore dictatorship, atrocity and the fighting spirit of those who were oppressed!
  • This was followed up by our ‘Jump into Judaism’ day and our children certainly jumped head first into this rich and diverse religion; in the first of our drop down days for Religious Education. We were privileged to welcome the amazing Eric Cohen into school to introduce the children to the religion of Judaism. All children were involved, as he delivered two informative and engaging assemblies. Eric then worked exclusively with Years 2 and 3, looking at Shabbat and Passover. The day was a huge success and learning continued in all classes throughout the day. Shalom!

Our RE subject specific characteristics

Miss Batt, our RE Subject Lead, has developed these subject specific characteristics in RE which we expect the children to demonstrate. They underpin all work in RE lessons, form a focal point for display areas and provide a common subject specific language for all stakeholders. 

At Florence Melly, we are theologists. We have…

  • An outstanding level of religious understanding and knowledge.
  • A thorough engagement with a range of ultimate questions about the meaning and significance of existence.
  • The ability to ask significant and highly reflective questions about religion and demonstrate an excellent understanding of issues related to the nature, truth and value of religion.
  • A strong understanding of how the beliefs, values, practices and ways of life within any religion cohere together.
  • Exceptional independence; the ability to think for themselves and take the initiative in, for example, asking questions, carrying out investigations, evaluating ideas and working constructively with others.
  • Significant levels of originality, imagination or creativity, which are shown in their responses to their learning in RE.
  • The ability to link the study of religion and belief to personal reflections on meaning and purpose.
  • A wide knowledge and deep understanding across a wide range of religions and beliefs. 

Key RE Documentation

Please use the links below to access our key documentation.

RE Curriculum Map

Celebrating RE on Social Media

Recent RE Initiatives/Key Actions at Florence Melly 

At Florence Melly, we implement many initiatives to promote RE. This year, these have included:

At Florence Melly Community Primary School, we are THEOLOGISTS!